Ethos Endocrinology Website Project that we overhauled and obviated from relying on Elementor. We patched the website after it was plague by a virus that exploited Elementor to inject its code and alter the site's functionality. We then redesign the website using our own custom plugin; improving its landing pages and speeding up page loading time, resulting in a dramatic increase in organic traffic.

ethos endocrinology desktop

Ethos Endocrinology Desktop View


ethos endocrinology responsive

Ethos Endocrinology Tablet and Mobile View


ethos endocrinology page insights

Ethos Endocrinology Lighthouse Score dramatically improved


ethos endocrinology asset builder

Ethos Endocrinology Asset Builder Plugin - an originally written plugin that creates and assembles assets to create landing pages for the website, substituting Elementor.


ethos endocrinology google analytics

Ethos Endocrinology's Google Analytics Report showing the results of our optimizations and digital marketing strategies. Most of these visitors came from organic traffic. No advertisements.